Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Year in Review - Bookwise!

Since books are my passion, both reading and writing, I thought I'd post my thoughts on some of the top books I read this year. (I'll split this into several posts due to memory issues).

First, two of my favorite authors who never disappoint! 

Love At Any Cost by Julie Lessman. A wonderful new series by Julie! I loved Cassidy, the spunky heroine, and Jamie is a great hero, who puts his mother and sister's welfare above his own happiness. Lots of lovely twists and turns to this story, plus the introduction to a new family saga. (Book 2 coming out in early January 2014).

Love’s Awakening by Laura Frantz.  Laura’s lyrical style of writing and the way she captures her characters makes her one of my favorite authors. In Love’s Awakening, we find Ellie Ballantyne, the favored younger daughter of Silas and Eden. Jack Turlock is the son of a whiskey magnate and his family are an enemy of the Ballantynes, yet Jack has loved Ellie since childhood. When she tutors his younger sister, Jack is tortured to be so near to Ellie and falls more in love with her. Even if she returned his feelings, would her father allow a match with the lowly Turlocks?



Anonymous said...

Sue, I'm so honored to be here and know you've met Ellie and Jack and enjoyed their world so much! What a blessing you are - and a light and encouragement. Thanks for keeping in touch. I am going to pin your lovely words to Pinterest and cite your blog here. You are a gem and I'm thankful for you beyond words!
In Him,

Susan Anne Mason said...

Thank you, Laura! I feel the same about you!